PPC Management Phoenix

PPC Management & Google Ads Agency in Phoenix

We provide comprehensive PPC (Pay per click) Google Ads management solutions and support to help your business in Phoenix, AZ get more leads each month.


Unleash the Power of Google Ads

Innovative PPC Management with Call Tracking

We offer a comprehensive range of advanced Google Ads and PPC management services with Call tracking and landing pages. Google Ads Marketing services designed to help you get more from Google, get more website traffic, leads and sales. From over 15 years experience to seamless behind the scenes integration, our latest PPC software and tools provide everything we need to optimize your website and Google Ads campaigns and achieve exceptional results.


We handle all of your PPC ads on Google from campaign creation, keyword research, landing pages, and include call tracking where you can listen to the calls that are coming in from your Google ads campaigns. We can help you with Phoenix SEO too.

Continuous Optimization

With our call tracking technology we can see what keywords are creating more leads and optimize your campaign every month with negative keywords, excluding locations, test ads and landing pages to see what converts best for your brand and business.

We Help Small Businesses Get More Leads

Doctors Electricians Architects Fencers Gardeners Dentists Electricians Renderers Fencers Doctors Electricians Architects Fencers Gardeners Dentists Electricians Renderers Fencers
Lawyers Real Estate Techncians Civil Engineers Roofing Surveyors Store Owners Builders Lawyers Real Estate Techncians Civil Engineers Roofing Surveyors Store Owners Builders

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Ready to Grow Your Online Presence?

Contact DIAP Media today and let’s discuss how we can help you achieve your SEO goals.

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